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Informed + Unified Citizens

The Seven Oaks Society seeks to build a connected community within the City of Orange Township. We are proud to add to the heritage and legacy of this place and will continue building a safe environment for our families to grow. We will welcome all who share in our values to uplift the community, together as one.

When my wife Zonasha and I moved to this town we were looking for a place to raise our two young children after living in Brooklyn, NY for the last 12 Years. We choose the Seven Oaks neighborhood at the recommendation of our friends and now neighbors additionally of the character of the homes, the proximity to our jobs in NYC, and the diverse community we saw in this area of Northern New Jersey. We understood this place would need help to become the place we had envisioned for our family so we got to work around issues concerning the school system forming the Facebook Group “The PEEL”. (Parents Education Entertainment Lifestyle). Fostering a strong relationship with the school board and new administration at the Orange Public Schools.

In the midst of the the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic attention was brought to the community about the townships public safety, voting irregularities, town budget and taxation. Action was taken to coalesce the community around these shared concerns; realizing that a unified voice would be the only way to see about change in our community.

James H. Ward, III
President + Founder